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Brief description

@AndroidAopPointCut is a method-based annotation. This annotation method focuses on the execution of the method (Method Execution). The built-in annotations in this library are all made in this way

In addition, please try not to place the annotation on the system method, such as: Activity's onCreate() onResume(), etc. Even if it is added, there should be no time-consuming operations during the section processing. JoinPoint.proceed() should be executed normally, otherwise unexpected problems will occur, such as: ANR

1. Create annotations


Create an annotation named CustomIntercept and add @AndroidAopPointCut to your annotation

annotation class CustomIntercept(vararg val value: String = [])
Java writing:
public @interface CustomIntercept {
    String[] value() default {};
  • @AndroidAopPointCut's CustomInterceptCut.class is the class that handles the section for you (described below)

  • @Target only works on methods, and setting other ones has no effect

  • For Java, you can set ElementType.METHOD
  • For Kotlin, you can set AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION,AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY_GETTER,AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY_SETTER

  • @Retention can only use RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME

2. Create a section processing class

The section processing class needs to implement the BasePointCut interface and handle the section logic in invoke

interface BasePointCut<T : Annotation> {
    fun invoke(joinPoint: ProceedJoinPoint, anno: T): Any?


If the point cutting function is suspend Click here to view

CustomInterceptCut inherits from BasePointCut. You can see that there is a generic on BasePointCut. This generic is the @CustomIntercept annotation above. The two are related to each other.

class CustomInterceptCut : BasePointCut<CustomIntercept> {
    override fun invoke(
        joinPoint: ProceedJoinPoint,
        annotation: CustomIntercept//annotation is the annotation you added to the method
    ): Any? {
// Write your logic here
        return joinPoint.proceed()

3. Use

Add the annotation you wrote directly to any method, such as onCustomIntercept(). When onCustomIntercept() is called, it will first enter the invoke method of CustomInterceptCut mentioned above.

@CustomIntercept("I am custom data")
fun onCustomIntercept() {
